Sunday, December 31, 2006

To all of my readers in 2006...

Happy New Year 2007

Friday, December 29, 2006

'Youngstown 2010' City Vision and Plan Honored with National Planning Award for Public Outreach

Congratulations to Youngstown!

December 19, 2006

'Youngstown 2010' City Vision and Plan Honored with National Planning Award for Public Outreach

WASHINGTON, DC – At a public meeting in 2002, Jay Williams, who was then the director of Youngstown, Ohio's Community Development Department, called on more than 1,200 residents to embrace and own the city's new vision for the future: Youngstown 2010. It could very well be the city's last chance, he said, to begin reversing decades of population losses, economic declines, and increases in crime. The message was heard. Three years later, Williams had become mayor of Youngstown and residents had gone from supporting the Youngstown 2010 vision and developing the Youngstown 2010 comprehensive plan to embarking upon a city- and region-wide action and implementation plan.

Building public support for the Youngstown 2010 vision and comprehensive plan involved a far-reaching marketing and public education campaign. For this effort, Youngstown has been named recipient of the American Planning Association (APA) 2007 National Planning Excellence Award for Public Outreach.

"Youngstown has shown how to use the planning process to galvanize citizens to heed a call to action and take concrete steps towards saving their future," said Carol Rhea, AICP, chair of the APA Awards Committee. "From radio, newspaper and television coverage, to billboards, t-shirts and balloons, city officials left no stone unturned in their public outreach campaign," Rhea said.

The city's public outreach efforts involving Youngstown 2010 will be recognized at APA's National Planning Conference during a luncheon ceremony on April 17, 2007, in Philadelphia. A 30-minute video about all of APA's 2007 National Planning Excellence, Achievement, and Leadership Awards recipients will be shown at the luncheon. Also, the accomplishments of Youngstown and the 13 other 2007 awardees will be highlighted in the April 2007 issue of Planning magazine and on the APA website,

"For a successful planning process it's essential to maintain a marketing strategy with an educational component," said Anthony Kobak, chief planner with Youngstown's Planning Department and Project Manager for Youngstown 2010.

The city's outreach efforts, in partnership with Youngstown State University, have been highly effective, attracting more than 5,000 people to participate in the city visioning and planning process since 2002. For example, 1,400 people attended the Youngstown 2010 kick-off vision meeting in 2002, and 1,300 people attended the Youngstown 2010 plan meeting in 2005.

To maintain momentum for its public outreach efforts, the city is calling on residents to get involved with implementing the plan at the same time it is launching a national advertising campaign to encourage new residents and businesses to move to Youngstown. Additional information is available online at

For a list of all of the APA 2007 National Planning Excellence, Achievement, and Leadership Award recipients, visit APA's National Planning Awards, considered by U.S. planners to be the profession's highest honor, is a tradition established more than 50 years ago to recognize outstanding community plans, planning programs and initiatives, public education efforts, and individuals for their leadership on planning issues.

Anthony Kobak, Chief Planner, City of Youngstown, and Youngstown 2010 Project Manager, 330-742-8842;
Denny Johnson, APA Public Affairs, 202-349-1006;

And also to Kevin Chastine from Ohio State University:

Kevin Chastine (graduate student)
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Kevin Chastine has shown exceptional enthusiasm for the field of planning, not only in the classroom, but through an internship, doing community service, and serving as president of the City and Regional Planning Student Association at Ohio State University. His strong work ethic led him to receive the two university planning program awards — the First Year Student Faculty Prize and the Outstanding First Year Graduate Student Award.

Typically students wait until the second year of the graduate program to begin taking studio courses, but Kevin has already participated in two studios, including work on rebuilding Mississippi gulf coast communities. He also has written articles for a university magazine, participated in a Planner's Day in School program involving sixth grade students, and raised funds to attend APA's National Planning Conference in San Antonio, Texas, in April 2006.

Here is a overview of all of the winners directly from the American Planning Association's press release:

December 15, 2006

Winners of APA's 2007 National Planning Excellence, Achievement, and Leadership Awards

The American Planning Association is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2007 National Planning Excellence, Achievement and Leadership Awards, which recognize the roles cutting-edge planning achievements and outstanding individual contributions play in helping create communities of lasting value.

Award recipients will be honored at a special awards luncheon April 17 during the APA 2007 National Planning Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Also to be recognized at ceremonies in Philadelphia will be the recipient of the Secretary's Opportunity and Empowerment Award, which is presented each year by APA in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Announcement of that award is expected in January.

Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan (co-awardees)

Ontario Growth Secretariat's Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This plan provides for an innovative and coordinated approach to sustainable growth and development for the greater Toronto, Ontario, metropolitan region encompassing 110 different municipalities. The backbone of the plan is how it integrates land-use planning for the greater Toronto region with $7.5 billion (U.S.) in new infrastructure investment. Provisions of the groundbreaking plan include establishing minimum density levels for development wherever it takes place; keeping a 1.8 million-acre greenbelt in the heart of the area off limits to development; and coordinating land-use and transportation decisions.

Click here for more details

Cheyenne, Wyoming
This innovative comprehensive master plan for the Cheyenne, Wyoming, urban area integrates three distinct planning disciplines into one process — transportation planning; parks and recreation planning; and scenario-based land-use planning, urban character and urban design. Extensive use of interactive technology and the internet, along with cutting edge public participation strategies, were used to develop the plan. The plan also contains case studies from other communities and tools, ranging from incentive-based options to ordinances, to help implement the plan.

Click here for more details

National Planning Excellence Awards for Best Practices (co-awardees)

The New Jersey Smart Growth Locator
Trenton, New Jersey
The Smart Growth Locator was created in 2003 as a free, on-line, consumer-driven, and user-friendly tool to help developers and consumers easily determine areas that are identified for growth according to the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan. By typing in an address, a user of the locator can find out whether a property or site is within a Smart Growth Area; the State Plan planning area and census tract where the address is located; and what New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency growth incentive programs would apply to that address or site.

At the same time, utility companies in the state also use the Smart Growth Locator to assess their utility financing. Over time, other state agencies are expected to use the Smart Growth Locator, enabling it to become a one-stop-shop for smart growth incentives. In this manner, New Jersey can address development in a consistent and comprehensive manner.

Protecting Florida's Springs: Land Use Planning Strategies and Best Management Practices Tallahassee, Florida
To help protect Florida's unique landscape of more than 600 freshwater springs, which has supplied potable drinking water to millions of residents, 1000 Friends of Florida has written and published the hands-on protection guide, Protecting Florida's Springs: Land Use Planning Strategies and Best Management Practice. The reference is both comprehensive and user-friendly, and is designed to encourage officials and citizens to work together to protect the state's natural springs at the same time allowing appropriate development to continue. To date five local jurisdictions where approximately one-third of the state's springs are located have taken strategies discussed in the manual and incorporated them into each community's respective comprehensive plan.

Click here for more details

National Planning Excellence Award for a Grassroots Initiative

Corridor Housing Initiative
Minneapolis, Minnesota
To help neighborhoods accept affordable, higher density housing, a proactive planning and education process is being used by the nonprofit Center for Neighborhoods in partnership with the City of Minneapolis. The Corridor Housing Initiative calls on citizens to be partners in the development process through an educational process facilitated by a neutral team of experts.

Educational components of the initiative include an interactive block exercise that allows community members to consider different housing options and test whether they are financially viable. This process helps participants recognize why greater densities are oftentimes needed to make a project feasible. The eventual goal is to create market-based development objectives and guidelines that are endorsed by community partners because they are compatible with city goals as well as neighborhood interests.

Click here for more details

National Planning Excellence Award for Implementation

Chattanooga Bicycle Planning
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Through partnerships and cooperation between public agencies and private organizations, advocates for using bicycles instead of cars to commute to work and run short errands in Chattanooga and neighboring Hamilton County have made steady progress. Since 2000, a $50,000 Chattanooga Bicycle Facilities Master Plan has been completed and adopted by 10 neighboring communities.

The plan provides a 20-year blueprint for $24 million in bicycle lane and route improvements in the region. Already $300,000 in federal Surface Transportation Program funds have been secured to create 28 miles of dedicated bike lanes and share-the-road bike routes, install bike racks on public buses and throughout downtown Chattanooga, and publish bicycling brochures and bikeway maps. There' also been a steady increase in the number of people riding bikes to work, to community events, and for recreation purposes.

Click here for more details

National Planning Excellence Award for Public Outreach

Youngstown 2010
Youngstown, Ohio
Officials in Youngstown, Ohio, embarked upon a far-reaching marketing and public education campaign to build public support for the city's Youngstown 2010 vision and comprehensive plan. Everything from radio, newspaper and television coverage, to billboards, t-shirts, and balloons were used to get the message out and galvanize citizens to support and participate in development and implementation of the plan. Since 2002, for example, more than 5,000 people participated in the city visioning and planning process. To maintain momentum, a national advertising campaign is underway to attract new residents and businesses to Youngstown.

Click here for more details

National Planning Excellence Award for Innovations in Neighborhood Planning in Honor of Jane Jacobs

Revitalization of Hannibal Square
Winter Park, Florida
Revitalization does not have to lead to gentrification as the redevelopment of Hannibal Square, a historic black neighborhood in Winter Park dating back to the 19th century, proves. The city, in partnership with its Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), established a housing rehabilitation program to preserve existing, viable affordable housing in the neighborhood.

Other steps involve creation of the Hannibal Square Community Land Trust, which holds land in a 99-year ground lease. This allows residents to purchase quality homes at below-market rates compared with having to also purchase the land. The Railroad Residences, the first of their kind in the Southeast, are the most innovative component of the square. This portion of the revitalization effort involved replacing a dilapidated water treatment plant with a new, state-of-the-art plant and constructing affordable housing and other buildings that blend architecturally with the surrounding, upscale communities.

Click here for more details

National Planning Achievement Award for Hard-Won Victories

Octavia Boulevard and the Central Freeway Replacement Project
San Francisco, California
Spanning 16 years and requiring three local referenda, Octavia Boulevard opened September 9, 2005. The new boulevard had once been part of the Central Freeway, a double-decker structure that blighted San Francisco neighborhoods, particularly Hayes Valley, for more than 40 years. In 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake damaged the Hayes Valley portion of the freeway irreparably, causing planners, elected officials, and community leaders to craft a new alternative — the Octavia Boulevard and Central Freeway Replacement Project.

Among the project's many collaborators and partners were the California Department of Transportation, several San Francisco City departments, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, and the Central Freeway Citizens Advisory Committee. In spite of ballot measures alternating between support and opposition for the project, financial obstacles, and jurisdictional battles, each challenge was addressed and eventually resolved. The result is a boulevard that is the first of its kind to be built in the U.S. in 80 years. It provides regional and neighborhood access, four center lanes for through traffic, two local lanes and a parking lane, landscaped medians, and a community park at the heart of a revitalized Hayes Valley neighborhood.

Click here for more details

National Planning Landmark Award

Sanibel Plan
Sanibel, Florida
In 1976 the City of Sanibel adopted a land-use plan that has enabled the community to manage growth and development so as to not exceed the natural carrying capacity of Sanibel Island. Nine ecological zones on the island were identified and established to help planners designated appropriate land uses, intensity, and performance standards within each of the zones. The plan also led to one of Florida's pioneer growth management regulations, which allowed the city to control population growth so the island's infrastructure was not overburden and residents could be safely evacuated for hurricanes using a two-lane causeway. The growth restriction kept new housing construction on Sanibel to 9,000 units instead of 30,000 units as proposed by Lee County.

Click here for more details

National Planning Leadership Award for a Planning Advocate

The Honorable Mayor Kay Barnes
Kansas City, Missouri
When Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes took office in April 1999, support for downtown was at a record low. Plans for an entertainment district had been scrapped and long-time tenants were leaving downtown for the suburbs. That didn't stop the new mayor from putting forth a vision for a new Kansas City.

Through strategic partnerships and public consensus, Kansas City is becoming what the Mayor envisioned when first taking office, a city with "strong neighborhoods, a revitalized downtown, and a healthy economy." Approximately $4.5 billion has been invested in the revitalization of downtown to date, including development of a $275 million Sprint Center Downtown Arena and an $850 million "Power & Light" entertainment district that includes retail, multi-family housing, and community gathering spaces.

Other changes under Mayor Barnes's leadership include expanded Rapid Bus Transit service, increased tax spending for public infrastructure, an increase in the number of people living downtown, and significant progress towards building or rehabilitating nearly 20,000 houses, including affordable units and rental housing for at-risk populations.

Click here for more details

National Planning Leadership Awards for Student Planners (co-awardees)

Michael Marcus (undergraduate student)
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, California
Michael Marcus has been interested in urban planning long before entering undergraduate planning studies at Cal Poly. At age 15, he served as a full-voting, at-large Parks and Recreation Commissioner in his hometown of Benicia, California, providing leadership to the community's first annual Youth Rights Workshop. Later, as a high school freshmen, he became student coordinator for a group of concerned citizens who joined together to save Benicia's historic arsenal district.

His enthusiasm for planning has become even stronger since then, both in and out of the classroom. Marcus's high academic marks have placed him among the top 15 percent of students at Cal Poly. He completed a planning-related internship with RBF Consulting during the summer of 2006, and participated with other students to develop the Templeton Downtown Plan, which received a 2006 California Chapter APA Planning Award. And his concerns about sustainability led him to spearhead formation of the Empower Poly Sustainability Coalition on campus.

Kevin Chastine (graduate student)
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Kevin Chastine has shown exceptional enthusiasm for the field of planning, not only in the classroom, but through an internship, doing community service, and serving as president of the City and Regional Planning Student Association at Ohio State University. His strong work ethic led him to receive the two university planning program awards — the First Year Student Faculty Prize and the Outstanding First Year Graduate Student Award.

Typically students wait until the second year of the graduate program to begin taking studio courses, but Kevin has already participated in two studios, including work on rebuilding Mississippi gulf coast communities. He also has written articles for a university magazine, participated in a Planner's Day in School program involving sixth grade students, and raised funds to attend APA's National Planning Conference in San Antonio, Texas, in April 2006.

Denny Johnson, APA Public Affairs, 202-349-1006;
Roberta Rewers, APA Public Affairs, 312-786-6395;

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Krumholz Appointed to Cleveland Planning Commission

This is what happens when big stories are announced during the last weeks of a school semester. I can't believe I missed this one. Norm Krumholz has taught me many things and has been a good mentor and friend. Krumholz is a self proclaimed "bleeding-heart liberal," and there have been many times I sat in class arguing against his opinions of "Equity Planning" as being not equitable at all - but thats a different story and I was really only opposing him for opposition's sake.

I send him a heartfelt congratulations and wish him the best. The Cleveland Planning Commission and the City itself is in a much better position because of this appointment.

One thing that is interesting: this will be the first time there has not been a religious leader on the Planning Commission. I am not sure when or why this tradition started - I'm sure there was a good reason at the time.

In my opinion, this is possibly the best move Mayor Jackson has made as far as personnel changes within the city.

Good Luck, Norm.

From the Maxine Goodman-Levin College of Urban Affairs:
Norman Krumholz is a Professor in the Levin College of Urban Affairs who earned his planning degree at Cornell. Prior to this, he served as a planning practitioner in Ithaca, Pittsburgh, and Cleveland. He served as Planning Director of the City of Cleveland from 1969-1979 under Mayors Carl B. Stokes, Ralph J. Perk, and Dennis Kucinich.
Professor Krumholz has published in many professional journals, including the Journal of the American Planning Association, the Journal of Planning Education and Research, and the Journal of Urban Affairs. In addition, he has written chapters for many books. His book(with John Forester) Making Equity Planning Work won the Paul Davidoff book of the year award of the Associated Collegiate Schools of Planning.
His most recent book, Revitalizing Urban Neighborhoods (with Dennis Keating), was published by Sage in 1999. His research has been supported by the Cleveland Foundation, the George Gund Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.
He served as the President of the American Planning Association (1986-1987), received the APA Award for Distinguished Leadership in 1990, and in 1999 was serving as the President of the American Institute of Certified Planners. He was awarded the Prize of Rome in 1987 by the American Academy in Rome. Professor Norm Krumholz was recently appointed an AICP fellow, and his Cleveland Policy Plan declared a "Planning Landmark".

From the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

CSU prof on plan commission

A prominent figure in Cleveland's past development will have a say in its future. Mayor Frank Jackson has appointed Norman Krumholz, 79, to the city's seven-member planning commission. Krumholz was the city's planning director from 1969 to 1979 and is a professor of urban affairs at Cleveland State University. He replaces the Rev. Sam Small, who is finishing a six-year term. The planning commission meets twice a month to act on development and land-use proposals.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More Grant News for Cleveland Organizations

Last week, the Gund Foundation approved grants for various organizations in the city (See article below). What is not known is is whether the grants Downtown Cleveland Alliance was seeking have been considered. As a member of their task force, this is of interest to me. More to follow soon.

Meanwhile, Neighborhood Connection funded 82 projects this past fall. You can read about them here.

Speaking of grants, time is running out if you are interested in a small grant for your neighborhood project. Neighborhood Connections' next round deadline for their grant proposals is February 16 and Cleveland Colectivo's deadline is January 15.

Foundation Awards $7.9 Million in December

CLEVELAND OH - The George Gund Foundation re-affirmed its commitment to revitalizing Cleveland’s neighborhoods with a three-year $3.6 million grant to Neighborhood Progress, Inc. and a $300,000 grant to Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland.

NPI, which is the principal intermediary between funders and community development corporations in Cleveland, has played a key role in the development of new housing and the revitalization of neighborhood Neighborhood Dec 06 Grantscommercial districts, resulting in a rise in residential property values and slowing of the city’s population decline.

Shorebank and its related subsidiaries, which have provided financing for a number of housing projects and business start-ups in Cleveland, also operate a business incubator and a program to link businesses with the neighborhood workforce.

The grants were among 86 totaling $7,863,026 that were made by Gund Trustees at the Foundation’s fourth quarterly meeting of 2006. Grantmaking for the year totaled $27,551,038.
Trustees also approved a five-year $1,000,000 grant to the Cleveland Zoological Society to incorporate green building standards into design and construction of the new African Elephant Crossing exhibit facility.

Other grants of interest include:
• $125,000 for the 2007 Ingenuity Festival which will take place in Playhouse Square.
• $300,000 over two years to the Washington D.C. based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for analysis on federal fiscal policy.
• $75,000 in continued support to the University of Cincinnati for the Teacher Quality Partnership project, a longitudinal study of teacher preparation, in-school support and effectiveness in Ohio.
• $50,000 to the Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization to staff the fundraising effort for the Gordon Square Arts District.
• $25,000 to the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation for the Resource Mothers and Doulas of Cleveland project.
• $40,000 to Ideastream for the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Buckeye High School Robotics Competition.
• $31,320 to the Ohio Citizen Action Fund to purchase air toxic monitoring equipment for use by citizen groups throughout Ohio.

The George Gund Foundation was established in 1952 by George Gund, former chairman of the Cleveland Trust Company. The Foundation funds programs that enhance our understanding of the physical and social environment in which we live and increase our ability to cope with its changing requirements. Grants are made quarterly in the areas of education, human services, economic and community development, environment and arts. Foundation commitments to date have totaled more than $483 million.

For Further Information Contact:
Deena M. Epstein (216)241.3114

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cleveland Foundation announces $17.9 million in grants

Classes are done, and I think I am almost fully recovered. While I play catch up on some of my Planning Commission reports (which still may take a week or so) I will post other newsworthy information that has not been reported (or I missed it) anywhere else.


Cleveland Foundation announces $17.9 million in grants

Arts, education, economic development among areas to benefit from awards

CLEVELAND, December 18, 2006 – The board of directors of The Cleveland Foundation today authorized $17.9 million in grants at its quarterly meeting, addressing some of Greater Cleveland's most pressing needs. Programs and initiatives receiving funding this quarter included:

Arts and Culture
The board authorized a $2 million grant to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to support the building of a permanent library and archive. As part of its educational mission, the museum aims to become the premier international source for research on the discipline of rock and roll music. The Foundation believes that a library and archive are essential for the Rock Hall to achieve that goal.

Economic Development
The board authorized a grant of $1 million toward construction of a new building to house the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Cleveland. The new structure would serve as the signature building for the proposed University Arts and Retail District at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Mayfield Road, which the Foundation has supported as part of its Greater University Circle Initiative. The district will include retail stores, condominiums and apartments, and is expected to stimulate investment and development in surrounding areas, while also serving students, faculty and staff of nearby Case Western Reserve University.

The Presidents' Council Foundation was also a recipient of a Cleveland Foundation grant in the amount of $82,500. The grant continues Foundation support of the Emerging Entrepreneurs program for African-American entrepreneurs in Greater Cleveland. The program offers monthly educational programs in such areas as leadership, marketing, finance and organization, as well as business networking events and in-depth discussions with local CEOs.

The Literacy Cooperative of Greater Cleveland received $250,000 for ongoing operating support. The Cooperative is working to develop a literacy outreach system for Greater Cleveland, coordinating the region's many disparate literacy services and training providers.

The board voted to continue its support of the First Ring Leadership Academy with a $150,000 grant. The program provides leadership development training to teachers, supervisors, principals and assistant principals from 13 inner-ring suburban school districts around Cleveland.

The Foundation's support for education also extended to the Institute for Student Achievement (ISA), which received a grant of $113,256. The ISA, in collaboration with Columbia University's National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching, is charged with identifying Cleveland schools that are enjoying measurable success in educating students at risk for academic failure. The project will pinpoint, describe and share best practices from these schools, which might include public, private, charter or parochial institutions.

The board supported the ShoreBank Enterprise Group (SEC) Cleveland with a $525,000 grant for the group's "Investing in Cleveland's East Side Neighborhoods" initiative. SEC helps Cleveland neighborhoods thrive through an investment fund, and a business incubator based in Glenville. In addition, an employee recruitment and support services program links neighborhood residents with new job opportunities generated by ShoreBank-supported businesses.

Early Childhood and Youth Development
The Child Care Resource Center of Cuyahoga County (also known as "Starting Point") has developed a reputation as one of Ohio's most effective child resource and referral agencies, prompting the board to award a $216,333 grant to fund its core services. The center links families to programs and services that meet their early childcare and educational needs while strengthening the community's ability to respond to them.

Nonprofit Community
Having recognized the need for greater business acumen and leadership training among faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs), The Cleveland Foundation earlier this year launched Project Access. The program is designed to bolster FBCOs in Cleveland and East Cleveland in management, advocacy and organizational effectiveness. Project Access, which recently "graduated" its first class of 45 organizations, received a grant of $545,000 to support its second year of operations. A portion of those funds will be directed to participating organizations for the purchase of equipment or services that expand their business and leadership capacity.

The board also authorized a $200,000 grant to the Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program, which gives college students and recent college graduates the opportunity to work in Cleveland-area nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies for an 11-week period. Interns learn about local nonprofits and public agencies and the important roles they play within the community.

Contact: Scott Tennant 216-615-7153

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cleveland maintains 1st place ranking in new housing construction

Community Development
Joseph Skrabec, Community Development

For Immediate Release:

Cleveland maintains 1st place ranking in new housing construction

November 28, 2006 – City of Cleveland officials working with Calabrese, Racek, and Markos, Inc. (CRM) Development Research today announced that Cleveland issued a total of 183 new for-sale residential permits during the first three quarters of 2006, the most in Cuyahoga County. Tied for second place in Cuyahoga County were Westlake and North Royalton with 79, followed by third place Berea with 73.

“This is further evidence that, together, we can create neighborhoods of choice in the City of Cleveland,” says Mayor Jackson. “Cleveland has a lot to offer. We want to make sure developers, potential homebuyers, and business know that we are a great City with quality affordable and market-rate housing in our neighborhoods.”

Cleveland also moved up to third place from sixth place in the seven-county region. The first place city was North Ridgeville City with 283, followed by Avon City with 201.
CRM Development Research is a subsidiary of Calabrese, Racek, and Markos, Inc., a full service appraisal firm. This division monitors market activity for new residential development throughout the Northeast Ohio region.

For more information on the City of Cleveland’s new home construction, please visit or call 216-664-2869.

(216) 664-4597,
Trista McClelland, CRM Development Research
(212) 696-5442 ext. 403,

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cleveland Colectivo in the News

AP contacted the Colectivo to contribute to a story about giving, or social circles. At least two news sites picked it up.
The Palm Beach Post and the Seattle P.I.

But not the PD, of course.

Column: Social circles practice charity


NEW YORK -- Every other month, Karlene Grabner joins about 20 women for a pot luck supper that may seem like a social gathering but actually has a much more serious purpose.

Grabner is part of a group that calls itself the GEMS, an acronym for Giving Empowers My Sisters. Formed more than a year ago, the GEMS pool their money to donate to charitable causes in their community, Oshkosh, Wis.

The GEMS are part of a growing cadre of charitable giving circles that gather people interested in philanthropy and enable them to pool their money and time so they can have a bigger impact than they would by donating individually.

"We've funded the symphony," Grabner said. "We funded a sports complex going in at the university - we bought a couple of bricks. ... We're looking at an environmental project."

The group isn't limited to institutional philanthropy. Touched by the plight of a single mother whose three children were badly burned in a house fire, the GEMS voted their $250 collection from one recent meeting to the family's care.

Scott Simpson, a program associate with the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, a charitable network based in Washington, D.C., said the forum has identified some 390 giving circles so far, but believes there are far more across the country.

"Many are small and operating under the radar," Simpson said. "It's truly grass roots philanthropy."

Still, a few things are known about giving circles from the list the forum has compiled, he said. Most have been formed since 2000 and they're located in almost every state. Often they're made up exclusively of women. And while some are church connected, most often the circles are nonsectarian and focused on community activities.

Most concentrate on pooling small donations, Simpson said, but others have gathered hundreds of members who give of their time or sponsor major fundraising activities. "The giving circles have given at least $37 million to charities that we know of - and we think that's just the tip of the iceberg," he said.

Members of the GEMS, who try to donate $20 at each meeting, are organized much like an investment or book club. Meetings rotate among members' houses, and the women take turns bringing appetizers, wine and other food.

"Generally, five people are asked to bring forward a cause that they feel some money should go to, and we all talk about it," Grabner said.

Many of the giving circles form spontaneously, but others are brought together by major charities. Among these are women's programs under the wing of the United Way of Central Maryland in Baltimore.

Elise Lee, director of the group's major gifts division, said one circle, the Women's Leadership Council, is made up of more than 100 women who each donate $10,000 a year or more. Another circle, WINGs, or Women's Initiative Next Generations, is for those committed to giving $1,000 a year each; it now has some 3,000 members.

"Both provide opportunities for women to come together," Lee said. "And it gives us a chance to educate them to opportunities to get more involved in philanthropy."

She said that in September, for example, members of the leadership council were invited to a reception to look at United Way programs supporting child care and preschools that promote school readiness.

In addition to raising money, many of the women also participate in volunteer activities.

Some of the giving circles are part of national groupings, such as Dining for Women, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and children in developing countries. Others have an ethnic bent, such as the Latino Giving Circle in Chicago and the Asian Women Giving Circle of New York City.

Some, like the Cleveland Colectivo, try to break new ground close to home.

In its first grant-making year, Cleveland Colectivo raised more than $7,000 that went to an internship that creates neighborhood murals, a community program for refugees, a car-sharing service to provide a transportation alternative, and a "learning" garden to be planted and maintained by neighborhood youth.

The Cleveland circle was founded in 2004 by Walter Wright, who works for the nonprofit Neighborhood Progress Inc., and his wife Judy, who works with Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland. They had attended a number of local events focused on community development but didn't feel connected to any of them.

"So we thought, what if we got together with friends and pooled our money and did something with concrete focus to it," Walter Wright said. "The idea was, let's stop talking and do something."

The Cleveland Colectivo's several dozen members - mostly young professionals - meet monthly. Each participant donates about $400 a year.

"We want to keep this as a small network because it allows us to really discuss ideas - really learn about initiatives in our community," Wright said.

One goal of the circle, Wright said, was to get people started on a lifetime of philanthropy.

"We hope people learn about giving at an earlier age and in a more direct way than simply writing a check," Wright said. "And as people move up through their career, this experience will be value to them as they become leaders in their professions."


On the Net:

Friday, November 03, 2006

DIVERSION: " Future of the National Mall: Symposium & Lecture"

I have been busy with school, kids, work and such the past week or so and will be out of town for the next ten days in various cities for various reasons. So there will not be much posting here unless I find something that can be easily copied and pasted with little trouble. For example, this bit of news from Richard Laymen in Washington, D.C.and his blog, Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space.
It is unfortunate that the American Planning Association is not involved, at least not directly

Tomorrow - off to Boardman, Ohio for their design charrette. (See previous post.)

Future of the National Mall: Symposium; Lecture

National Mall, from the Lincoln Memorial
The National Park Service is hosting a one-day symposium to kick off national dialogue in determining the future use, appearance, and landcape of the National Mall:

November 15, 2006
9 am - 5 pm
Naval Heritage Center, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

A related website on the Symposium, its agenda, and public participation opportunities will go live after November 1st.

2. Also, the local chapter (Latrobe) of the Society of Architectural Historians is sponsoring a related lecture the night before:

Tuesday, November 14
The Washington National Mall

Lecture by Peter Penczer, Independent Scholar
6:30 P.M. – reception; 7:00 P.M. – lecture
The American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., boardroom, 2nd floor
$10.00 for Latrobe Chapter members and full-time students (with ID), $17.00 for non-members.

Peter Penczer introduces his book, The Washington National Mall, the first general history of one of America’s most important urban parks. Penczer will trace the history of the Mall in a lecture illustrated with more than 100 photographs, most never before published. The book, self-published in full color, is due in spring 2007. The lecture will focus on the Mall’s three lives. For most of the nineteenth century, it was little more than a pasture. Then, in the 1870s, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed the landscaping in a naturalistic style inspired by Andrew Jackson Downing’s 1851 plan for the Mall. For sixty years the Mall was filled with ornate Victorian buildings, winding paths, and heavy vegetation. That was swept aside in the 1930s in favor of the classical landscaping envisioned by the McMillan Plan of 1902. Penczer is also the author of Washington, D.C., Past and Present.

Reservations are not required. For general information about the event, please contact
Andrew Drabkin at 202-277-7106.

3. Of course, the National Coalition to Save the Mall is another resource for this topic.
001Image of a new National Mall, extended south from the U.S. Capitol.

This vision has been suggested by the Legacy Plan produced in the late 1990s by the National Capital Planning Commission, and is being promoted by the Coalition through their "Third Century Initiative."
Smithsonian Folk Life FestivalAP photo by Nick Wass.

Index Keywords:

Boardman, Ohio Design Charrette

The planning students from the Maxine Goodman-Levin College of Urban Affairs and the Kent State University architecture program will be working with the community to help define their needs and assist in creating a direction for the township. You are invited to take part.

Designing Our Future
Boardman Township invites all residents and interested stakeholders
to participate in a series of Community Meetings on:


At the Boardman Public Library
7680 Glenwood Ave, Boardman, Ohio 44512

A summary presentation will be given outlining the findings from focus groups, key leader interviews, and other data collection that the design team and Trustees have been engaged in over the past two months. Residents will be able to give additional ideas and share concerns regarding the needs of Boardman Township.


At the Boardman Public Library
7680 Glenwood Ave, Boardman, Ohio 44512


At the East Ballroom of the Boardman Holiday Inn
7410 South Ave, Boardman, Ohio 44512

A presentation of the designs for Boardman Township developed over the weekend from public input will be given by the design team.

For more information contact:
Patti Choby, Adjunct Faculty, Public Input Consultant at 216.849.6333
Robyn Bowman, Student Coordinator at 330.774.5383

Monday, October 30, 2006

Things To do For The Holidays - Prt I

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cleveland Colectivo Has Opened the Next Round of Funding

Do you have an idea that you think would make a difference in Cleveland? We’d like to help you make it happen. The Cleveland Colectivo is seeking projects to support.

The Colectivo is a group of friends, neighborhoods and colleagues. We pool our funds and share our energy to invest it back into projects that we see as worthwhile and exciting in Cleveland. Each member contributes to the Colectivo quarterly and together we choose projects to support. Every month we gather to discuss ideas, learn about area initiatives and organizations, network with a growing circle of members, and continue building the Colectivo.

So now we are again looking for innovative ideas in which to invest. That’s where you come in!

If you have a project that you would like to make a reality, take the first step—visit and send us your answers to these three simple questions.
Or send your answers to

1) What is your proposal?

2) How will this project strengthen our community?

3) What makes your project unique, and why are you the right person to do this?

We welcome individuals, new businesses, and community projects to participate. Grant amounts will range between $500 and $5,000, based on the number of projects selected.
The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2007.
Please keep your response to one page.

Bring your idea to life, and let us help!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Memphis Drive-In Final Images

I almost for got about these. I was lucky enough to take the kids to the Memphis Drive-In for a couple of flicks one last time before they closed this year. So if you were not able to make it this year, enjoy the shots.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Prendergrast Innerbelt Proposal - Updated Photo

Ken was kind enough to update the proposal I posted yesterday with easy to read lables (for those of you who get dizzy reading things from outerspace). Thank you Ken

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Innerbelt Redesign at a Stand Still - 2 Year Delay

As reported in todays Plain Dealer, the State of Ohio has delayed the Innerbelt redesign because of costs over runs and design flaws.

Ohio delays Inner Belt redesign; city officials applaud

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Susan Vinella
Plain Dealer Reporter

Commuters can expect an extra year or two of traffic snarls on the Inner Belt and continued danger at Dead Man's Curve, the most perilous stretch of highway in Ohio.

The state will delay for up to two years the launch of Cleveland's Inner Belt redesign project to deal with rising costs and design flaws.

The state also might scale back renovations of the Inner Belt Bridge over the Cuyahoga River. Instead of fixing the bridge to last 50 years, at a cost of $266 million, the state proposes a 20-year rehab.

"The downside," says an Ohio Department of Transportation memo obtained by The Plain Dealer, "is that in 20 years, ODOT will have to fund a second bridge."

To some local officials and downtown business leaders, delaying the highway redesign means the state finally has recognized the flaws of its plan and will work with the community to fix them.

"They heard us. They recognize there are issues, and they want to talk to us about them," said Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman, who represents downtown and has been critical of the plan.

Cimperman and others in Cleveland say the state's proposal to eliminate key downtown exits off Interstate 90 and alter others will hurt businesses, impede traffic and hamper economic development. The state also plans to straighten Dead Man's Curve to make it safer.

The memo says the Inner Belt Bridge project will be delayed from 2009 until 2010 or 2011, to allow more time to resolve conflicts over intersections. It says intersection designs near Jacobs Field and other locations must be modified.

One change, the memo said, could be a different ramp from Ontario Street to westbound I-90. The memo also says the state wants to scrap a $30 million plan to build a bike path on the bridge because of safety concerns.

Lora Hummer, a spokeswoman for the local office of the Ohio Department of Transportation, said no officials were available Tuesday to discuss the reasons for the delay or possible changes in the plan. David Coyle, a deputy director in the local office, declined to provide specifics when reached at home.

Jim Haviland, who represents businesses in the Midtown neighborhood as executive director of Midtown Cleveland Inc., said he's pleased the state is taking more time to evaluate its plan.

"Clearly they're listening and re-evaluating and are coming to similar conclusions that we've had for some time," Haviland said. "That's the best news for Cleveland and Northeast Ohio at this particular point in time."

City Council will hold a hearing on the Inner Belt project on Nov. 1.

This figures, I had just finished reading the billion page plan update this weekend, including all of the options that were taken off the table early on. It could have just been a snowball effect, but from what I saw, they looked at all options (within there limited vision).

Not that it matters now, but these were the section alternatives that were being/not being carried forward as of the middle of August:

12.1 Innerbelt Curve Section
Innerbelt Curve Alternative F is selected to be carried forward as a Feasible Alternative analysis phase of the Project.
Innerbelt Curve Alternative E is not being carried forward.

12.2 Innerbelt Trench Section
The Far Eastern Alignment Alternative, the Chester Avenue (No Payne Avenue) Alternative, and the MidTown Corridor Extension are being carried forward.
The Minimum, Western Alignment, and Central Alignment Alternatives are not being carried forward.

12.3 Central Interchange Section
the Dual Intersections and Southern Alternatives are selected to be carried forward.
The Dedicated, Shared, and Indirect I-77 Connections Alternatives are not being carried forward.

12.4 Central Viaduct Bridge Section
The Northern and Southern Hybrid Alternatives are selected to be carried forward.
The Widen / Rehabilitate Existing Alternative with Clark Avenue Interchange is not being carried forward.

12.5 Southern Innerbelt Section
The Mainline Widening with Jennings Freeway Add Alternative is selected to be carried forward.
The Mainline Widening with Jennings Freeway Merge Alternative is not being carried forward.

12.6 C-D Roadways Section
The C-D Roadways Relocation Alternative including a Type II noise analysis for the C-D Roadways section, is selected to continue under ODOT’s noise wall and multi-lane reconstruction programs.

12.7 I-77 Access Section
The I-77 Access Improvements Alternative is selected to be carried forward.

12.8 West 7th Street Interchange Section
The No-Build Alternative is selected.
The Fully Directional West 7th Street Interchange Alternative is not being carried forward.

What does this mean to all of the stakeholders?

Well, the Cleveland Police Horse Stables will still have a home, as will the brand new Fire Department Training Facility. Tastebuds will be serving awesome food for at least two more years longer then first thought.

Meanwhile, many people think that likely change in administration coming to Columbus will be of great benefit to Cleveland. Some, like transportation guru and Sun News writer Ken Prendergrast, have even proposed their own plans that will not only correct many of the problems ODOT has claimed to want to fix, but "adds only 45 seconds to the travel time through downtown [and] opens up a massive development area that can help reimburse the state's costs of paying for the Inner Belt project."
(In the image, the black line is the Norfolk Southern tracks for the proposed Lakefront Bypass, and the teal line is an extension of the Waterfront Line to create a downtown loop.)

Some features of this new Innerbelt concept from Ken include:

> New routing adds only 45 seconds (or an additional 4,000 feet of distance) to the trip of an I-90 motorist passing through downtown.

> Assumes the Opportunity Corridor is built and that transit services to the suburbs are enhanced (such as regional rail, express bus, etc.).

> Demolished for the new section of highway are several old public housing complexes, Central Cadillac, a park and some additional structures. Each of these would be relocated or put back once construction is complete (public housing would be replaced with scattered-site subsidized units mixed with market-rate housing, such as where the Central Interchange was located).

> Access to downtown from the south and west is via an extension of State Route 176, which I've dubbed the "Downtown Access Boulevard" -- a landscaped, at-grade roadway north of the I-90/490 interchange that opens up land for development in Tremont and is less of a physical barrier between Tremont and Ohio City.

> The new Cuyahoga Valley Viaduct incorporates the NS tracks, which would become the Lakefront Bypass route for nearly all freight train traffic. The old two-track NS viaduct would be replaced with a three-track bridge and have about 10 feet more clearance than the old span to avoid opening as often for river traffic. In the new bridge, the lower rail deck only could be raised some 20 feet to clear even the largest of lake-borne ships.

> Sale of land on which the Central Interchange was located could net ODOT $1 million to $3 million per acre for the 60-acre site. This may win favor with the Federal Highway Administration, as the Federal Highways Trust Fund is faced with bankruptcy by 2009 (see ).

> The Inner Belt trench on the east side of downtown is a mix of ODOT's proposal to remove ramps, and the locals' desire to keep them. It continues ODOT's proposed access roadway south to near Community College Avenue.

> Also a new center exit/entrance for downtown-bound I-77 motorists only would be built just north of I-490 for an enhanced thoroughfare providing quick access to downtown. Location proposed is to use Broadway, but could be adjusted one block farther north to Orange. The enhanced thoroughfare would likely be no slower than I-77 is during rush hours, along I-77's last mile entering downtown.

> The new highway routing and demolition of the Central Interchange would reunite the Central neighborhood with downtown. Caps over the new highway would create a visually seamless neighborhood streetscape in the affected areas.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Memphis Drive-In Update

Well, it is official. The county's last drive-in theater has been sold. The Brooklyn Sun Journal reported the sale last Thursday.

Farewell, Memphis

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Brooklyn Sun Journal

BROOKLYN _ The Memphis Drive-In Theater officially was sold as of Tuesday.

Those who work at the drive-in were told they had to remove everything from the establishment by Monday. Memphis Entertainment Group Manager Mike Kissel said he has not been told what will move in now that official word has come down about the sale.

He is in the process of trying to sell items from the theater, including things like deep fryers and an ice machine. Other larger items were also up for sale, but they had planned to wait to sell things until official word came. That will be hard now, he said, because there is such short notice. He plans to put items that cannot be sold before Monday into storage. Those interested in purchasing items can call Kissel at (440) 781-4495.

The drive-in theater is one of the few remaining in the area. It was open for 52 years.

However, the sale was not officially finalized until yesterday, according to the county auditor site (transfer date - October 16).
The property had an estimated market value of $1,608,900, but according to the auditor data it sold for $3,000,000. I guess the drive-in owner wasn't kidding when he said an offer was presented that he could not refuse.
So who is the new owner?
There were many rumors going around: furniture warehouse, big box, condos.
It looks like none of these are true - at least not at first glance. The new owner, or 'Grantee,' is a company called Custom Holdings, INC. After Googling the name I found that it could be one of two companies.
It is either a company owned by Circleville Metal Works based in Circleville, Ohio, or one of many affiliates wholly owned by none other then American Greetings.
I choose the later. I called the public relations office at American Greetings to confirm this but that call has not been returned. So as of now, I will speculate that AG is not in the big box, or condo business and is instead looking to expand.
If they call me back, I will update.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Giant Eagle Likely Not Coming to Target Project on West 117th Street

The shell of the new Target on West 117th Street is progressing, but there was no development on the other lots on the former Ryser Property project. Giant Eagle is notorius for waiting until the last minute before commiting to a project. With the October 10 announcement of the Topps Grocery sale to Giant Eagle, it now looks like there will not be a Giant Eagle on the Target property. From Crain's Cleveland:
Giant Eagle to buy 18 Tops stores

3:33 pm, October 10, 2006

Giant Eagle has agreed to buy 18 Northeast Ohio Tops supermarkets, then sell four of them to Cleveland-based Dave’s Supermarkets, and one to a local Giant Eagle independent operator in a deal announced Tuesday.

The deal is expected to close by the end of the year. Terms were not released.

Tops parent company, Netherlands-based Royal Ahold N.V., put 46 area Tops up for sale in July. A statement on the sale says Tops “will be finalizing additional agreements by the end of the year.”

“We have every hope that those agreements will include all the (Northeast Ohio) stores,” Tops spokeswoman Tracy Pawelski said.

Giant Eagle spokesman Rob Borella explained that the new Dave’s stores will remain closely tied to the Pittsburgh-based company.

“We supply Dave’s Supermarkets on the grocery side and, additionally, we’re going to extend our relationship with Dave’s and, probably sometime in early December, begin to operate Giant Eagle pharmacies inside of those four Dave’s Supermarkets locations,” Mr. Borella said.

Mr. Borella also said Gillombardo’s Giant Eagle, which runs an independently-owned store at 5841 Broadway Ave., will turn the Tops at 1825 Snow Road in Parma into a second Gillombardo’s Giant Eagle.

Officials at Dave’s and Gillombardos referred inquiries on the deal to Mr. Borella.

Tops’ inventory should be liquidated by early December, after which the stores will close temporarily for restocking.

Giant Eagle new store opening timeline

Giant Eagle locations opening mid-December 2006
14100 Detroit Ave. in Lakewood (will replace existing Giant Eagle location)

Giant Eagle locations opening in January 2007
870 N. Court St. in Medina
80 Whittlesey Ave. in Norwalk
21593 Lorain Road in Fairview Park
821 Cleveland St. in Elyria
24601 Chagrin Blvd. in Cleveland
230 Howe Ave. in Cuyahoga Falls
10950 Lorain Ave. in Cleveland
3628 Mayfield Road in Cleveland Heights
6259 Mayfield Road in Mayfield Heights
3750 W. Market St. in Fairlawn

Giant Eagle Supermarkets replacing existing Giant Eagle locations in late summer 2007
1825 Snow Road in Parma (independently owned location)
7919 Day Drive in Parma
22777 Rockside Road in Bedford

New Dave’s Supermarket locations with Giant Eagle Pharmacies

22501 Shore Center Drive in Euclid
4948 Turney Road in Garfield Heights
11501 Buckeye Road in Cleveland
16820 Harvard Ave. in Cleveland
According to the site plans, you can see where Giant Eagle would have gone. With the two outlots (on the right - West 117th Street) most people were expecting a Get-Go as well. Since one of the stores they are acquiring is on Lorain Avenue in Westown Shopping Center, there is no point in them building a new store on West 117th. I suppose there is still the chance to build a Get-Go in Westown. There is plenty of room in their parking lot.

It is still a mystery what other stores are going to be built on the Target property. Target controls the property now so I doubt it would be something that would compete with them. I've been told to look at other Targets and see what stores are usually around them.

After talking with a few people, I found out there already other big box type stores that are inquiring about the second lot next to Target. The rumor going around now is that Ryser is looking at properties across the street from the Target site to do see if they can have the same success there.
Things are looking busy for the West 117th Street corridor.

September 15, 2006 Cleveland Planning Commission Summary

This one took me longer to type up then expected. As you read it you will see why.
The next one will probably take a while as well - there is a lot of information.

9:05 AM



ZONING (all approved)

1. Ordinance No. 1214-06: Changes the Use and Area Districts of lands on the westerly side of East 55 th Street between Sweeney Avenue (vacated) and Track Road to a Residence Industry District and a “B” Area District.
Many residents in the area of the proposed rezoning were present. Those in favor include:
Coucilman Bracatelli - "Trying to clean up the conflicting zoning issues in the area."
Tracey Reed (resident) - "The scrapyard is under an induction... recent explosions."
Joseph Hughs (resident) - "...debris left from semis on the road... health hazard"
Peter Bazuk (resident) - "...constant path of mud on the road left from the trucks"
Joyce C (resident) - "...weeds along the tracks"
Gary H. (resident) - "I used to work at the railyards formerly occupied in the area. It is has not, as previously stated, always been a scrapyard."
Marlene W. (resident) - "The scrapyard has not been a good neighbor."
Susan Gorden (resident) - spoke on behalf of a resident who could not be there
Eric Mitchell (resident) - "This place is having a detrimental effect on the youth of the area. They do not want to go to school - they want to be scrapers."
Tom O'Bian (resident) - Reiterated previous comment
Carolyn S. (resident) - "This does not help a neighborhood that is trying to regrow."
Councilwoman Cleveland - Introduce legislation, "This can make or break the neighborhood... We need businesses, but not ones that break the law."

Those that spoke against the rezoning:
Megan Roberts, attorney for Ian Abrams owner of Scrapyard, LLC. - "Abrams employees 31 truckers as sub-contractors and 12 contracted, on-site workers."
"My client works with local steelyards"
"They do not take scrap from people off of the street."
"Once before, the parcel in question was rezoned to Residence Industry but then was rezoned back."
"The proposed parcel rezoning is not, as was previously stated, adjacent - nor will it ever be - to residential land."
"The CSX tracks act as a natural buffer between my clients business and the residential area."

Greg Abrams (son of owner) -
"..fourth generation business... have worked hard with the neighborhood and stakeholders..."
"We were no the tenants three years ago when the yard was cited"
"We have offered to make parkland at some areas of the neighborhood."
"We do not have a wheel washer but have paved 80% of the of the drivable area of the yard."
"We do not take in peddlers."
"2% of incoming scrap is from small trucks... we take down license plate numbers"
re: Public Health: "We have an OSHA rep on site."
They dispute the claim they are not neighborly or charitable.

A motion for approval was made and passed with five votes and one abstention by Lumpkin.

2. Ordinance No. 1285-06: Changes the Use Districts of parcels fronting on East 140th St. from Lakeshore Boulevard to Saint Clair Avenue; from a General Retail and Semi-Industry to Local Retail Business.
The owner of a parcel in the proposed area (City Rose) spoke up against the zoning change. He is concerned about the wording regarding the setback for parking and whether or not this would be a taking.
The rezoning was approved with exception of the previously mentioned parcel which was tabled for another date.

3. Ordinance No. 1549-06: Former Law Director and counsel for affected business owner asks that the ordinance be tabled for two weeks. The issue regards the wording in the ordinance that states a business has 18 months to vacate a parcel that has been rezoned from a General Industry to a Residence Use.


1. Ordinance No. 1447-06: Authorizes the sale of City-owned property located at East 30th Street off of Hamilton Avenue to State Industrial Products, Inc. (SIP - Formerly State Chemical)
Because of the impending construction on the Innerbelt and relocation of the Innerbelt curve, the bridge structure (14,300 sq ft) that currently is used for 40 parking spaces for SIP is proposed to come down. SIP will demo 38,000 sq ft of their manufacturing building to make room for a new employee parking lot and construct a new manufacturing facility on land on East 30th Street and Hamilton Avenue that will be vacated.

2. Ordinance 1456-06: Authorizes the application and acceptance of a grant from the United States Environmental Agency to implement the Morgana Run Project, and to employ one or more professional consultants to perform an environmental clean up of the property located at 3542 East5 71st Street.

3. Ordinance No. 1477-06: Authorizes the director of Parks, Recreation ad Properties and Port Control to enter into a Second Amendment to the Mather Museum Lease Agreement with the Harbor Heritage Society to allow assignment of the Lease Agreement to The Great Lakes Museum of Science. Environment and Technology d/b/a The Great Lakes Science Center.


1. ORDINANCE NO. 1450-06: Amends Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Ordinance 971-05, passed June 6, 2005, relating to the improvement of Euclid Avenue between Public Square and East 70th Street by reconstructing or abandoning sidewalk vaults.
This will help reduce the cost to property owners due to the Euclid Corridor construction

SUMMARY CALENDAR (all approved)

1. Ordinance No. 1269-06: Vacates a portion of Penn Court N.W.

2. Ordinance No. 1288-06: To add the name John Melvin Street as a secondary name to east 115th St. between Mayfield Rd. and Cornell Rd.

3. Ordinance 1268-06: Gives consent of the City of Cleveland to the Board of County Commissioners for the repair of the West 49th Street/Herman Avenue Bridge No. 194 over the West Shoreway

4. Ordinance No. 1270-06: Authorizes the acquisition of certain easement interests from Cleveland State University for the public improvement of the Euclid Corridor

5. Ordinance No. 1288-06: To add the name John Melvin Street as a secondary name to East 115th Street between Mayfield road and Cornell Road.

6. Ordinance No. XXXX-06 (To be Introduced): Union Miles District Business Revitalization District Expansion.

7. Three additional Landbank Ordinances were added to the summary calender regarding properties on East 172nd, 127th and 83rd streets

LOT SPLITS (all approved)

Fulton Road and Mabel Court

2. 1856 East 89th Street


Ohio & Erie Canalway National Scenic Byway: Broadway leg, Proposed route changes.

DESIGN REVIEW (all approved)

1. DRC 06-128: East 118th Street, between Euclid and Wade Park, Wade Park Townhomes, new construction.
These homes are designed by City Architecture. From Weatherheadlines: Alumni Connection
Five NY-style townhouses are being built on the Case campus directly across from the new $120 million athletic fields and dormitories. The front door is the new baseball diamond. The $280-315,000 townhouses have full basements, attics and 2.5 car garages with private, fully-sprinklered yards. Standard luxury features include a pantry desk center, mudroom, double height kitchen cabinets, real hardwood floors, built-in book shelves at the top and bottom of the stairs, laundry chutes and granite, marble and travertine countertops in the kitchens and bathrooms. Energy efficient features include sprayed insulation, tankless hot water heaters and double and triple-pane windows. Buyers receive a Case Community Access Card for the athletic fields, sporting events, check-out privileges at Kelvin Smith Library and discounted membership to use the Veale Athletic Center and indoor pool. The project is a unique partnership between University Circle, Case and The Doan Brook Company.
1a. DC 06-129: East 86th to East 89th Streets and Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland Clinic, Underground Service Center and Parking Garage, Foundation Permit/Footprint Approval
The architects of this new 200,000 sq ft garage are Collins Gordon Bostwick. The new 7-story garage will hold 4,000 cars. There will also be an attached logistic center and 14 - 16 receiving docks to support the Heart Center. The lower area of the garage will house services such as materials distribution which will connect to the rest of the Clinic through a network of tunnels
The QQ lot will be demoed and retained as a green space but may have a possible building on the southern portion adjacent to the P Building (formerly the Clinic Inn) and the PP Garage. Additionally, there will be a 12,000 sq ft structure attached to the Carnegie side of the building which will house the IT Department.

2. DRC 06-081: 4315 West 140th Street, Artemus Ward K-8 School, New Construction, Final Review
The new building size is 64,298 sq ft. It will house 450 students and 41 staff, and will have 51 parking spaces. It is replacing a school built in 1949.
The concerns addressed by the Commission previously (the angled portion of the building, parking access, location of service dock, cut-through/service entrance, central portion of the east elevation and its lack of animation) have all been addressed and resolved.
The angled portion has been straightened out. The curb cut to West 140th Street to the Kindergarten drop-off and parking has been eliminated.
Approved with the condition that no chain link fence be installed around the perimeter.

3. DRC 06-082: 4550 West 150th Street, R.G. Jones K-8 School, New Construction, Final Review
This new 64,298 sq ft building will house 450 students, 41 staff members and have 51 parking spaces. The school will continue to have the 1.65 acre community garden. It is replacing a school built in 1951.
The concern addressed previously (pedestrian pathways from the neighborhood to the school) were addressed. Other revisions include the reconfiguration of the parking lot and relocation of the kindergarten drop off, and the relocation of the flag pole along the walkway from the parent drop-off to the main entry. The building was shifted to the north. There is now a sidewalk to the playground and a security vehicle access drive through the center of the site
Kuri: Noted that she is uncomfortable with the similarity of R.G. Jones and Artemus Ward, both done by the same architectural firm.

4. DRC 06-062: 3800 West 140 th Street, Garfield K-8, New Construction, Final Review
This is a new building designed by Bowen and Associates. It is replacing one built in 1924. It is 61,770 sq ft in size and will house 426 students, 38 staff members and will have 57 parking spaces. The existing community garden will be retained.
Previously the Commission asked that the south portion of the entry drive be moved to provide a buffer and easier pedestrian access to the entry and the community garden. This was done. Other revisions include the the addition of a walkway along the north property line and to the south of the school connecting the play area to West 140th Street, a community artwork wall tile area to the stone feature wall on the east elevation, and a canopy has been added over the entry doors to the individual kindergarten classrooms.

5. DRC 06-090: 1600 Buhrer Avenue, Buhrer School K-8, New Construction, Final Review
This is a new building of 53,747 sq ft. It will house 350 students. 33 staff and have 47 parking spaces. It is replacing a school built in 1969.
When this (and the previously mentioned schools) were conceptually approved in the June 20, 2006 meeting, the Commission asked that the architects reconsider the need for three separate parking lots to provide more green space and to study the use of the pedestrian bridge over I-71 as part of the entry area for the school. Revisions include the addition of a clearly defined walkway from the pedestrian bridge to the playground with lights that will illuminate it at night.
Issues regarding the safety of the pedestrian bridge were referred to ODOT, which were present because of the next presentation.

6. DRC 05-131: Inner Belt Bridge (Central Viaduct) Design Concept Options (no action required)
The same presentation that was given to the public was presented here.
Toward the end of the presentation, Marty Cader was given time to speak about the apparent lack of pedestrian or bike access that is to be included in the new bridge. His presentation can be read here. (10 mb)
Finally, Ed Hauser was given some time to speak. He provided two documents which can be view here (3 mb)and here (13 mb). [The second item is related to Wendy Park]

The links should be working now. I am sorry for the trouble. If somebody has an alternative for hosting files that is free, please let me know.